Section 36

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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.: PTOL_0655 PTOL_0660 PTOL_0665 PTOL_0670 PTOL_0675 PTOL_0680 PTOL_0685 PTOL_0690 PTOL_0695 PTOL_0700 PTOL_0705 PTOL_0710 PTOL_0715 PTOL_0720 PTOL_0725 PTOL_0730 PTOL_0735 PTOL_0740 PTOL_0745 PTOL_0750 PTOL_0755 PTOL_0760 PTOL_0765 PTOL_0770 PTOL_0775 PTOL_0780 PTOL_0785 PTOL_0790 PTOL_0795 PTOL_0800
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis: j–s–w–ï–CL nn r–t–GIVE/rdj n f GOD/nṯr–GODDESS/nṯrt–GOD/nṯr–GODDESS/nṯrt–GOD/nṯr–GODDESS/nṯrt q–n–CL–CL n–ḫ–t–CL–CL LIVE/ꜥnḫ w:ḏꜣ s ḥ–r ḫ–t nb nfr r–ꜣw s–n–PL r OFFICE/jꜣwt f wr–t–r ḏd–ḏd–w–t ẖr–r f ḥ–ꜥ ẖ–r–d–CL–PL f ḏ–t–xxx n–ḥ–ꜥ
Traditional transliteration: jswï nn rd n =f nṯr.w nṯr.(w)t qn nḫt ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb ḥn(ꜥ) ḫ.t nb nfr(.t) r-ꜣw =sn r jꜣw.t =f wr.t ḏd.ṱ ẖr =f ḥ(n)ꜥ ẖrd.(w) =f ḏ.t ḥnꜥ
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): jsw nn rṭ n -f nčr-w nčr:t qn nḫt ꜥnḫ wč̣ꜣ snb ḥlꜥ ḫ:t =nb nfr-t r=ꜣw -sn r= jꜣw:t -f wr-t č̣ṭ-t ẖr -f ḥlꜥ ẖrṭ-w -f č̣:t ḥlꜥ
Linguistic gloss: equivalent(M)[SG] DEM.PROX.C give.PFV RCPT -3SG.M god(M)-PL goddess:F:PL strength(M)[SG] victory(M)[SG] life(M)[SG] prosperity(M)[SG] health(M)[SG] together_with thing:F =each perfect-F.SG to=width(M)[SG] -3PL to= office:F[SG] -3SG.M great-F make_endure:RES-3SG.F with -3SG.M together_with child(M)-PL -3SG.M eternity:F[SG] together_with
Word by word: equivalent this gave to -him gods goddesses strength victory life prosperity health together with thing(s) each perfect to entirety -their to office -his great is_made_endure with -him together_with children -his (in)_eternity together_with
Wort für Wort: Gegenleistung dieses gaben an -ihn Götter Göttinnen Stärke Sieg Leben Wohlstand Gesundheit zusammen mit Sache(n) jegliche vollkommene bis Gesamtheit -ihre zu Amt -sein großes ist_dauernd_gemacht mit -ihm zusammen_mit Kinder -seine (in)_Ewigkeit zusammen_mit

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
(5) […] … In return for these things the gods and goddesses have given him victory, strength, life, prosperity, health and all good things in their entirety, his great office being established with him and his children forever.

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_07010 DEM_07015 DEM_07020 DEM_07025 DEM_07030 DEM_07035 DEM_07040 DEM_07045 DEM_07050 DEM_07055 DEM_07060 DEM_07065 DEM_07070 DEM_07075 DEM_07080 DEM_07085 DEM_07090 DEM_07095 DEM_07100 DEM_07105 DEM_07110 DEM_07115 DEM_07120 DEM_07125 DEM_07130 DEM_07135 DEM_07140 DEM_07145 DEM_07150 DEM_07155 DEM_07160 DEM_07165 DEM_07170 DEM_07175 DEM_07180 DEM_07185 DEM_07190 DEM_07195 DEM_07200 DEM_07205 DEM_07210 DEM_07215
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): dj n =f nꜣ nṯr.w (n) tꜣ šb.t (n) nꜣj pꜣ ḏrꜣ pꜣ qnj pꜣ nꜥš pꜣ wḏꜣ pꜣ 21 snbj ı͗rm nꜣ kj.w md.t-nfr.w ḏr =w (r) tꜣj =f ı͗ꜣw.t-(n-)ḥrj smn ẖr.r =f ı͗rm nꜣj =f ẖrd.w šꜥ ḏ.t (21)
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): ṭy n -f nꜣ= nčr:w n tꜣ= šb:t n nꜣy pꜣ= č̣rꜣ pꜣ= qny pꜣ= nꜥš pꜣ= wč̣ꜣ pꜣ= snby jrm nꜣ= ky:w mṭ:t=nfr:w č̣r -w r tꜣy -f jꜣw:t=n=ḥry s:mn ẖr:r -f jrm nꜣy -f ẖrṭ:w šꜥ č̣:t
Linguistic gloss: give DAT -3SG.M DEF.PL= god(M)-PL in DEF.F.SG= compensation:F of DEM:PL DEF.SG.M= strength DEF.SG.M= strength(M) DEF.SG.M= DEF.SG.M= sound:INF DEF.SG.M= health(M) with DEF.PL= other(M) thing:F=good:F total -3PL while POSS:F:SG -3SG.M office=of=chief make_firm with -3SG.M with POSS:PL -3SG.M child(M):PL until eternity:F
Word by word: give for -he the gods in the compensation of these the strength the strength the the sound the health and the other benefaction total -they while the one of -he chief’s office establish with -he and the ones of -he children until eternity
Wort für Wort: geben für er die Götter in die Belohnung von diese der Stärke der Stärke der Sieg der unversehrt sein der Gesundheit und die anderer Wohltat ganz -sie indem die von er Herrscheramt befestigen im Besitze von er und die von er Kinder bis Ewigkeit

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
As reward for these things the gods have granted him might, victory, strength, health, (21) well-being and all other good things, his office of PharaohLPH being established with him and his children forever.

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
Die Götter haben ihm als Gegengabe dafür den Sieg, die Kraft, die Stärke, das Heil 21 (und) die Gesundheit und alle die anderen Güter gegeben und daß sein Amt als Pharao unter ihm und seinen Kindern auf ewig bestehen bleibt.

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_5035 GR_5040 GR_5045 GR_5050 GR_5055 GR_5060 GR_5065 GR_5070 GR_5075 GR_5080 GR_5085 GR_5090 GR_5095 GR_5100 GR_5105 GR_5110 GR_5115 GR_5120 GR_5125 GR_5130 GR_5135 GR_5140 GR_5145 GR_5150 GR_5155 GR_5160
Traditional transliteration: ἀνθ’ ὧν δεδώκασιν αὐτῶι οἱ θεοὶ ὑγίειαν, νίκην, κράτος καὶ τἄλλ’ ἀγαθ[ὰ πάντα], τῆς βασιλείας διαμενούσης αὐτῶι καὶ τοῖς τέκνοις εἰς τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον·
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): anth’ hō̂n dedṓ-kasin autō̂i hoi the-oì hugíei-an, ník-ēn, krát-os kaì t:áll’ agath[-à pánt-a], tē̂s basileí-as dia=men:oús-ēs autō̂i kaì toîs tékn-ois eis tòn hápant-a khrón-on·
Linguistic gloss: instead_of/SUBST REL.GEN.PL give-IND.PRF.ACT.3PL 3SG.DAT DEF.M.NOM.PL god(M)-NOM.PL health-F.ACC.SG victory-F.ACC.SG power-N.ACC.SG CONJ DEF.N.ACC.PL:CONJ good-N.ACC.PL all-N.ACC.PL DEF.F.GEN.SG kingship(F)-GEN.SG PERL=be_constant:PTCP.PRS.ACT-GEN.SG.F 3SG.DAT CONJ DEF.DAT.PL child(N)-DAT.SG ALL DEF.M.ACC.SG whole-M.ACC.SG time(M)-ACC.SG
Word by word: in return of these have given to him the gods health victory power and the other good things all of the kingship being established for him and for the children to the all time

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
In return for which the gods have given him health, victory, power and [all] other good things, (36) the kingship being established for him and his children for all time.

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