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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.: PTOL_2575 PTOL_2576 PTOL_2580 PTOL_2585 PTOL_2590 PTOL_2595 PTOL_2600 PTOL_2605 PTOL_2610 PTOL_2615 PTOL_2620 PTOL_2625 PTOL_2630 PTOL_2635 PTOL_2640 PTOL_2645 PTOL_2650 PTOL_2655 PTOL_2660 PTOL_2665 PTOL_2670 PTOL_2675 PTOL_2680 PTOL_2685 PTOL_2690 PTOL_2695 PTOL_2700 PTOL_2705 PTOL_2710 PTOL_2715 PTOL_2720 PTOL_2725 PTOL_2730 PTOL_2735 PTOL_2740 PTOL_2745 PTOL_2750 PTOL_2755
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis: [//]–t [w–t] [CL–p–t–]w–r–m–y–s ḏ–ꜥnḫ–t–CL p–t–ḥ–y–CL‘ GOD/nṯr pr–r–CL nb nfr–nfr–nfr HEAD/dp–IX YEAR/rnpt–t–IX šꜣ–ꜥ m FIRST/dpï FIRST_SEASON/ꜣḫt DAY_OF_THE_MONTH/sw 1 nfr–t–r h–CL 1–1–1–1–1 mḥ–CL r HEAD/ḏꜣḏꜣ–IX s–n–PL s–FEAST/ḥꜣb ḫꜣ–w–ï–CL–PL s–q–r–CL wdn–PL ḥ:ꜥ ḫ–t–CL nb t–w–CL n jr–t–ï
Traditional transliteration: [m]t[w] [=tw] […] x+12[…] [Pt]wlmys ꜥnḫ ḏ.t .y Ptḥ nṯr pr(j) nb- nfr.(w) dp rnp.t šꜣꜥ m dp.ï ꜣḫ.t sw 1 nfr.(y)t-r h(rw) 5 m(ꜣ)ḥ r ḏꜣḏꜣ =sn s:ḥꜣb ḫꜣwï.(wt) sqr wdn(.t) ḥ(n)ꜥ ḫ.t nb tw(t) n(ï) jr.(y)t{ï}
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): mtw -tw ptwlmys ꜥnḫ č̣:t mr:y= Ptḥ nčr pr nb= nfr:w ṭp rnp:t šꜣꜥ m= ṭp:ï ꜣḫ:t sw 1 nfr:yt r= hrw 5 mꜣḥ r= č̣ꜣč̣ꜣ -sn s:ḥꜣb ḫꜣw:t sqr wṭn:t ḥlꜥ ḫ:t =nb twt jr:yt
Linguistic gloss: COORD -IMPRS Ptolemy(M) be_alive:RES eternity:F[SG] beloved[M.SG].STC= Ptah(M) god(M)[SG] come_forth:PTCP[M.SG] lord(M)[SG].STC= goodness:M.COLL on_top_of/ahead year:F[SG] begin:RES in= first[M.SG] 1st_season:F[SG] day_of_the_month(M)[SG] 1 end:F.COLL to= day(M)[SG] 5 garland(M)[SG] attached_to= head(M)[SG] -3PL make_festive:INF offering_altar:F:PL present:INF offering:F.COLL together_with thing:F[SG] =each be_adequate:PTCP[M.SG] of act:F.COLL
Word by word: and one Ptolemy is_alive (in)_eternity beloved_one_of Ptah god one_coming_forth lord_of goodness per_head year begun in first 1st_season day_of_the_month 1 until day 5 garland on head -their make_festive offering_altars present offering and thing each being_adequate of ceremony
Wort für Wort: und man Ptolemaios ist_lebendig (in)_Ewigkeit Geliebter_von Ptah Gott Hervorkommender Herr_von Güte pro_Kopf Jahr begonnen in erster erste_Jahreszeit Monatstag 1 bis Tag 5 Kranz an Kopf -ihr festlich_machen Opferaltäre darreichen Opfer und Sache jegliche adäquate von Zeremonie

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
[and they] (12) […Pt]olemy living forever, be[loved] of Ptah, the God who appears, possessor of goodness, every year from the first day of the first month of Inundation for five days, ‖ garlands on their heads, making festive the altars, presenting libations and everything it is fitting to do.

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_10350 DEM_10355 DEM_10360 DEM_10365 DEM_10370 DEM_10375 DEM_10380 DEM_10385 DEM_10390 DEM_10395 DEM_10400 DEM_10405 DEM_10410 DEM_10415 DEM_10420 DEM_10425 DEM_10430 DEM_10435 DEM_10440 DEM_10445 DEM_10450 DEM_10455 DEM_10460 DEM_10465 DEM_10470 DEM_10475 DEM_10480 DEM_10485 DEM_10490 DEM_10495 DEM_10500 DEM_10505 DEM_10510 DEM_10515 DEM_10520 DEM_10525 DEM_10530 DEM_10535 DEM_10540 DEM_10545 DEM_10550 DEM_10555 DEM_10560 DEM_10565 DEM_10570 DEM_10575 DEM_10580 DEM_10585 DEM_10590 DEM_10595 DEM_10600 DEM_10605
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): mtw =w ı͗r ḥb ḫꜥ (n) nꜣ ı͗rpj.w ı͗rm Km(j) ḏr =f (n) pr-ꜥꜣ Ptlwmjꜣs ꜥnḫ-ḏ.t pꜣ nṯr-pr ntj nꜣ-ꜥn tꜣj =f md.t-nfr.t ẖr-rnp.t (n) ı͗bd-1 ꜣḫ.t sw 1 šꜥ hrw 5 ı͗w =w ṯꜣj ql 30 ı͗w =w ı͗r grl wdn ı͗rm pꜣ sp md.t ntj pḥ (n) ı͗r =w
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): mtw -w jr ḥb ḫꜥ n nꜣ= jrpy:w jrm Kmy č̣r -f n pr=ꜥꜣ Ptlwmyꜣs ꜥnḫ=č̣:t pꜣ= nčr=pr nty nꜣ=ꜥn tꜣy -f mṭ:t=nfr:t ẖr=rnp:t n jbṭ 1 ꜣḫ:t sw 1 šꜥ hrw 5 jw -w čꜣy qlm jw -w jr grl wṭn jrm pꜣ= sp mṭ:t nty pḥ n jr -w
Linguistic gloss: CORD.MOD -3PL do feast(M) appearance(M) in DEF.PL= temple(M) with Black:F total -3SG.M DAT house(M)=great Ptolemy live:PTCP=eternity:f DEF.SG.M= god(M)=come:PTCP REL being=beautiful POSS:F:SG -3SG.M thing:F=good:F with=year:F in month(M) 1 1st_serason:F day_of_the_month(M) 1 until day(M) five(M) SBRD -3PL take wreath(M) SBRD -3PL do burnt_offering(M) drink_offering(M) with DEF.SG.M= rest(M) thing:F REL of do -3PL
Word by word: and -they do feast appearance in the temple and Egypt total -he for pharaoh Ptolemy living eternelly the emerging god that be beautiful the one of -he benefaction yearly in 1st month 1st season day of the month 1 until day 5 while -they take wreath while -they do burnt offering drink offering and the rest thing that of do -they
Wort für Wort: und -sie feiern Fest Erscheinung in die Tempel und Ägypten ganz er für Pharao Ptolemaios ewiglebend der erscheinender Gott welche(r) schön sein die von er Wohltat alljährlich in 1. Monat 1. Jahreszeit Monatstag 1 bis Tag 5 indem -sie anlegen Kranz indem -sie tun Brandopfer Trankopfer und der Rest Sache welche(r) sich schicken von tun -sie

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
and they are to celebrate festival and procession in the temples and all of Egypt for PharaohLPH Ptolemy living forever, the God who appears, whose goodness is perfect, each year on the first day of the first month of Inundation for five days, ‖ wearing garlands (30) and making burnt offerings and libations and the other things it is fitting to do. ‖

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
Man soll in jedem Jahr in den ersten fünf Jahren des ersten Überschwemmungsmonats in allen Tempeln und in ganz Ägypten ein Fest und eine Prozession für Pharao Ptolemaios – er lebe ewig! -, den glänzenden, gütigen Gott, machen, ‖ indem man Kränze trägt 30 und Brand- und Trankopfer bringt und die übrigen üblichen Dinge tut. ‖

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_7085 GR_7090 GR_7095 GR_7100 GR_7105 GR_7110 GR_7115 GR_7120 GR_7125 GR_7130 GR_7135 GR_7140 GR_7145 GR_7150 GR_7155 GR_7160 GR_7165 GR_7170 GR_7175 GR_7180 GR_7185 GR_7190 GR_7195 GR_7200 GR_7205 GR_7210 GR_7215 GR_7220 GR_7225 GR_7230 GR_7235 GR_7240 GR_7245 GR_7250 GR_7255 GR_7260 GR_7265 GR_7270 GR_7275 GR_7280 GR_7285 GR_7290 GR_7295 GR_7300 GR_7305 GR_7310 GR_7315 GR_7320
Traditional transliteration: ἄγειν δὲ ἑορτὴν καὶ πανήγυριν τῶι αἰωνοβίωι καὶ ἠγαπημένωι ὑπὸ τοῦ Φθᾶ βασιλεῖ Πτολεμαίωι θεῶι Ἐπιφανεῖ Εὐχαρίστωι κατ’ ἐνι[αυτὸν ἐν τοῖς ἱεροῖς τοῖς κατὰ τὴν] 50 χώραν ἀπὸ τῆς νουμηνίας τοῦ Θῶϋθ ἐφ’ ἡμέρας πέντε, ἐν αἷς καὶ στεφανηφορήσουσιν συντελοῦντες θυσίας καὶ σπονδὰς καὶ τἆλλα τὰ καθήκοντα.
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): ág-ein heort-ḕn kaì panḗgur-in tō̂i aiōno=bí-ōi kaì ē-gap-ēménōi hupò toû Phthâ basil-eî Ptolemaí-ōi the-ō̂i Epiphan-eî Eukharíst-ōi, kat’ eni[aut-òn en toîs hier-oîs toîs katà tḕn] 50 khṓr-an apò tē̂s nou=mēní-as toû Thō̂üth eph’ hēmér-as pénte, en haîs kaì stephanē=phor-ḗs-ousin sun=tel-oûnt-es thusí-as kaì spond-às kaì t:âll-a kath=ḗk:ont-a.
Linguistic gloss: celebrate-PRS.INF PTCL festival-F.ACC.SG CONJ feast(F)-ACC.SG DEF.DAT.SG eternal=life-DAT.SG CONJ PRF-love-PTCP.M/P-DAT.SG INFR DEF.GEN.SG Ptah(M)[GEN.SG] king(M)-DAT.SG Ptolemy(M)-DAT.SG god(M)-DAT.SG Epiphanes(M)-DAT.SG Eucharistos(M)-DAT.SG DIR.INFR year-M.ACC.SG INESS DEF.DAT.PL temple(N)-ACC.SG DEF.DAT.PL DIR.INFR DEF.F.ACC.SG land-F.ACC.SG ABL DEF.F.GEN.SG new=month-F.GEN.SG DEF.GEN.SG Thouth(M)[GEN.SG] SUPR day-F.GEN.SG NUM INESS REL.F.DAT.PL CONJ wreath=wear-FUT-3SG COM=perform-PTCP.PRS-NOM.PL sacrifice-F.ACC.PL CONJ libation-F.ACC.PL CONJ DEF.N.ACC.PL:other-N.ACC.PL DEF.N.ACC.PL INFR.DIR=have_come:PTCP.PRS.ACT-N.ACC.PL
Word by word: to celebrate and festival and feast for the everliving and beloved from the Ptah king Ptolemy god Epiphanes Eucharistos during year in the temples the throughout the land from the first day of month of the Thouth for days five in which and they should wear wreaths executing sacrifices and libations and the others the what fits

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
and to celebrate a festival and feast for the king everliving and beloved of Ptah, Ptolemy the god Epiphanes Eucharistos, every [year in the temples throughout the] (50) land from the first day of the month Thouth for five days, ‖ during which they shall wear garlands, performing sacrifices and libations and the other fitting matters. ‖

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