Section 21

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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.:
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis:
Traditional transliteration:
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary):
Linguistic gloss:
Word by word:
Wort für Wort:

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_04200 DEM_04205 DEM_04210 DEM_04215 DEM_04220 DEM_04225 DEM_04230 DEM_04235 DEM_04240 DEM_04245 DEM_04250 DEM_04255 DEM_04260 DEM_04265 DEM_04270 DEM_04275 DEM_04280 DEM_04285 DEM_04290 DEM_04295 DEM_04300 DEM_04305 DEM_04310 DEM_04315 DEM_04320 DEM_04325 DEM_04330 DEM_04335 DEM_04340 DEM_04345 DEM_04350 DEM_04355 DEM_04360 DEM_04365 DEM_04370 DEM_04375 DEM_04380 DEM_04385 DEM_04390 DEM_04395 DEM_04400 DEM_04405 DEM_04410 DEM_04415 DEM_04420 DEM_04425 DEM_04430 DEM_04435 DEM_04440 DEM_04445 DEM_04450 DEM_04455 DEM_04460 DEM_04465 DEM_04470 DEM_04475 DEM_04480 DEM_04485 DEM_04490 DEM_04495 DEM_04500 DEM_04505 DEM_04510 DEM_04515 DEM_04520 DEM_04525 DEM_04530 DEM_04535 DEM_04540 DEM_04545 DEM_04550 DEM_04555 DEM_04560 DEM_04565 DEM_04570 DEM_04575 DEM_04580 DEM_04585 DEM_04590 DEM_04595 DEM_04600 DEM_04605 DEM_04610 DEM_04615 DEM_04620 DEM_04625
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): ꜣrb =f tꜣ rsꜣ.t rn =s n sbt wn (n) pꜣj =s bnr (r-)ḏbꜣ nꜣ sbꜣ.w r:_ wn-nꜣ.w (n) pꜣj =s ẖn r:_ wn-nꜣ.w wꜣḥ =w ı͗r gmꜥ ꜥšꜣj r Km(j) ı͗w =w ḫꜣꜥ pꜣ mjt n pꜣ ꜥš-sḥn n pr-ꜥꜣ ı͗rm pꜣ ꜥš-sḥn 14 [n] [nꜣ] ⌈nṯr.w⌉ dj =f tn =w nꜣ jꜥr.w r:_ wn-nꜣ.w dj.t šm mw r tꜣ rsꜣ.t rn =s r bn rḫ nꜣ pr-ꜥꜣ.w ḥꜣṱ.w ı͗r =s m-qd =s ı͗r ={w} =f ḥḏ ꜥšꜣj n he wbꜣ =w
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): ꜣrb -f tꜣ= rsꜣ:t rn -s n sbt wn n pꜣy -s bnr r=č̣bꜣ nꜣ= sbꜣ:w r:_ wn=nꜣ:w n pꜣy -s ẖn r:_ wn=nꜣ:w wꜣḥ -w jr gmꜥ ꜥšꜣy r Kmy jw -w ḫꜣꜥ pꜣ= myt n pꜣ= ꜥš=sḥn n pr=ꜥꜣ jrm pꜣ= ꜥš=sḥn n nꜣ= ⌈nčr:w⌉ ṭy -f tn -w nꜣ= yꜥr:w r:_ wn=nꜣ:w ṭy:t šm mw r tꜣ= rsꜣ:t rn -s r bn rḫ nꜣ= pr=ꜥꜣ:w ḥꜣṱ:w jr -s m=qṭ -s jr -f ḥč̣ ꜥšꜣy n he wbꜣ -w
Linguistic gloss: -3SG.M DEF.F.SG= fortress:F name(M) 3SG.F in wall(M) damm in POSS 3SG.F outside(M) as_for DEF.PL= enemy(M) REL: IPRF in POSS 3SG.F inside REL: IPRF PRF -3PL do impair many to Black:F SBRD -3PL let_away DEF.SG.M= of DEF.SG.M= of house(M)=great with DEF.SG.M= of DEF.PL= god(M)-PL give -3SG.M dam -3PL DEF.PL= river(M) REL: IPRF give go water(M) to DEF.F.SG= fortress:F name(M) 3SG.F while NEG know DEF.PL= house(M)=great before:ADJZ:M.PL do 3SG.F in=form(M) 3SG.F do -3PL -3SG.M silver(M) many in expense zu -3PL
Word by word: -he the fortress name her in wall damm in the one of her outside as for the enemy was in the one of her inside was -they do impair many to Egypt while -they let away the of the of pharaoh and the of the gods give -he dam -they the river was give go water to the fortress name her while not know the pharaoh the ones before do her like her do -they -he silver many in expense to -they
Wort für Wort: einschließen er die Festung Name sie mit Mauer Deich an der von sie Außen wegen die Feind war in der von sie Inneres war -sie tun Schädigung viel nach Ägypten indem -sie verlassen der von der Angelegenheit von Pharao und der Angelegenheit von die Götter veranlassen er abdämmen -sie die Fluß war veranlassen gehen Wasser zu die Festung Name sie indem nicht wissen die Pharao frühere tun sie wie sie tun -sie er Silber viel Unkosten für -sie

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
he laid siege to the stronghold in question with a wall around its exterior on account of the enemies who were within it who had inflicted great wrong upon Egypt, having abandoned the path of duty to PharaohLPH and duty (14) [to the 1 gods.
He caused to be dammed up the canals which provided water for the stronghold in question, the like of which no former pharaohsLPH had been able to do, expending much silver upon it.

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
Er schloß eben diese Stadt ein wegen der Rebellen, die darin waren und die Ägypten viel Unrecht angetan hatten, denn sie hatten den vom Pharao befohlenen Weg und das Gebot 14 der Götter verlassen.
Er ließ die Flüsse, die Wasser in ebendiese Ortschaft abdämmen – die früheren Pharaonen hatten nichts dergleichen tun können. – Er machte deswegen große Ausgaben an Silber.

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_3325 GR_3330 GR_3335 GR_3340 GR_3345 GR_3350 GR_3355 GR_3360 GR_3365 GR_3370 GR_3375 GR_3380 GR_3385
Traditional transliteration: καὶ ἀν- τικαθίσας χώμασίν τε καὶ τάφροις καὶ τείχεσιν αὐτὴν ἀξιολόγοις περιέλαβεν,
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): kaì an ti=kathís-as khṓma-sín te kaì táphr-ois kaì teíkh-esin autḕn axiológ-ois peri=é:lab-en,
Linguistic gloss: CONJ SUBST=set.AOR.ACT-NOM.SG earth(N)-DAT.PL PTCL CONJ trench(F)-DAT.PL CONJ wall(N)-DAT.PL DEM.F.ACC.SG remarkable-DAT.PL CIRC=AOR:take.AOR.ACT-3SG
Word by word: and having encamped earthworks both and trenches and walls it remarkable he surrounded

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
and having encamped (24) against it, he surrounded it with earthworks and trenches and elaborate walls;

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