Section 45

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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.: PTOL_1780 PTOL_1785 PTOL_1790 PTOL_1795 PTOL_1800 PTOL_1805 PTOL_1810 PTOL_1815 PTOL_1820 PTOL_1825 PTOL_1830 PTOL_1835 PTOL_1840 PTOL_1845 PTOL_1850 PTOL_1855 PTOL_1860 PTOL_1865 PTOL_1870 PTOL_1875 PTOL_1880
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis: jm f m LARGE_HOUSE/ḥwt–IX–p–t–ḥ m–ḫt jr n f j–jr–jrw nb n b–s–rot in der Transkription?–IX nsw–CL r ḥwt–nṯr–t–CL psḏ–f–t šsp–n f jꜣt–CL f wr–t–r
Traditional transliteration: jm =f m Ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ptḥ m-ḫt jr n =f jr(.w) nb n(ï) bs (n)sw r ḥw.t-nṯr ḫft šsp.n =f jꜣw.t =f wr.t
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): jm -f m= ḥw:t-kꜣ-ptḥ m=ḫt jr n -f jr:w =nb bs= nsw r= ḥw:t=nčr ḫft šsp:n -f jꜣw:t -f wr-t
Linguistic gloss: in -3SG.M in= mansion:F[SG]=ka(M)[SG]=Ptah(M) in=course(M)[SG] do:PASS RCPT -3SG.M rite:M[SG] =each of initiation(M)[SG] king_of_Egypt(M)[SG] to= mansion:F[SG]=god(M)[SG] when receive:ANT -3SG.M office:F[SG] -3SG.M great-F
Word by word: in -him in Memphis in_the_course_of was_done to -him rite each of initiation king_of_Egypt to temple when received -he office -his great
Wort für Wort: in -ihm in Memphis im_Zuge_dessen wurde_gemacht für -ihn Ritual jegliches von Initiation ägyptischer_König zu Gotteshaus als empfangen_hat -er Amt -sein großes

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
when every ritual of the royal installation was performed for him in the temple, when he assumed his supreme office;

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_09040 DEM_09045 DEM_09050 DEM_09055 DEM_09060 DEM_09065 DEM_09070 DEM_09075 DEM_09080 DEM_09085 DEM_09090 DEM_09095 DEM_09100 DEM_09105 DEM_09110 DEM_09115 DEM_09120 DEM_09125 DEM_09130 DEM_09135 DEM_09140 DEM_09145 DEM_09150 DEM_09155 DEM_09160 DEM_09165 DEM_09170 DEM_09175 DEM_09180 DEM_09185 DEM_09190 DEM_09195 DEM_09200 DEM_09205 DEM_09210 DEM_09215 DEM_09220 DEM_09225 DEM_09230 DEM_09235 DEM_09240 DEM_09245 DEM_09250
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): mtw pꜣ sḫnt ḫpr (n) tꜣ mtre.t (n) nꜣ sḥn.w ḫpr mtw =f r:_ ḫꜥ pr-ꜥꜣ n.ı͗m =f (n) ḥ.t-nṯr (n) Mn-nfr ı͗w =w ı͗r n =f {n} nꜣ ntj n hp n ı͗r =w (n) pꜣ šsp (n) tꜣ ı͗ꜣw.t-(n-)ḥrj
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): mtw pꜣ= sḫnt ḫpr n tꜣ= mtre:t n nꜣ= sḥn:w ḫpr mtw -f r:_ ḫꜥ pr=ꜥꜣ n:jm -f n ḥ:t=nčr n Mn_nfr jw -w jr n -f {n} nꜣ= nty n hp n jr -w n pꜣ= šsp n tꜣ= jꜣw:t=n=ḥry
Linguistic gloss: CORD.MOD DEF.SG.M= crown:F.DU happen in DEF.F.SG= middle:F of DEF.PL= crown(M) happen -3SG.M REL: appear house(M)=great in -3SG.M in mansion:F=god(M) of Memphis SBRD -3PL do DAT -3SG.M in DEF.PL= REL in law(M) of do -3PL in DEF.SG.M= receive of DEF.F.SG= office=of=chief
Word by word: and the Dual Crown happen in the middle of the crown happen -he appear pharaoh in -he in temple of Memphis while -they do for -he in the that in law of do -they in the receive of the chief’s office
Wort für Wort: und der Doppelkrone sich aufhalten in die Mitte von die Krone denn er erscheinen Pharao mit er in Tempel von Memphis indem -sie tun für er die welche(r) beim Prädikatsnomen rechtmäßige Weise von tun -sie in der Empfang von die Herrscheramt

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
when there were performed for him „the customary ceremonies which are performed at the assumption of the supreme office;

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
denn mit ihr ist der Pharao in Memphis zu den Zeremonien erschienen, als er rechtmäßig das Amt des Herrschers übernahm.

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_6390 GR_6395 GR_6400 GR_6405 GR_6410 GR_6415 GR_6420 GR_6425 GR_6430 GR_6435 GR_6440 GR_6445
Traditional transliteration: ὅπως ἐν αὐτῶι συν] 45 τελεσθῆι τὰ νομιζόμενα τῆι παραλήψει τῆς βασιλείας.
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): hópōs en autō̂i sun] 45 tel-esth-ē̂i nomiz-ómen-a tē̂i paralḗps-ei tē̂s basileí-as.
Linguistic gloss: CONJ INESS 3SG.DAT COM perform-SBJV.AOR.PASS-3SG DEF.N.ACC.PL practise-PTCP.M/P-N.ACC.PL DEF.F.DAT.SG succession(F)-DAT.SG DEF.F.GEN.SG kingdom-F.ACC.PL
Word by word: in such a manner that in it be performed the customary practises for the succession of the kingdom

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
so that in it] (45) might be performed what is customary for assuming the kingship;

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