Section 27

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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.:
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis:
Traditional transliteration:
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary):
Linguistic gloss:
Word by word:
Wort für Wort:

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_05780 DEM_05785 DEM_05790 DEM_05795 DEM_05800 DEM_05805 DEM_05810 DEM_05815 DEM_05820 DEM_05825 DEM_05830 DEM_05835 DEM_05840 DEM_05845 DEM_05850 DEM_05855 DEM_05860 DEM_05865 DEM_05870 DEM_05875 DEM_05880 DEM_05885 DEM_05890 DEM_05895 DEM_05900 DEM_05905 DEM_05910 DEM_05915 DEM_05920 DEM_05925 DEM_05930 DEM_05935 DEM_05940 DEM_05945 DEM_05950 DEM_05955 DEM_05960 DEM_05965 DEM_05970 DEM_05975 DEM_05980 DEM_05985 DEM_05990 DEM_05995 DEM_06000 DEM_06005 DEM_06010 DEM_06015
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): ḥn =f s ꜥn (r-)ḏbꜣ pꜣ rtb sw r (sṯꜣ) 1 ꜣḥ r:_ wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w =w šdj =f n nꜣ ꜣḥ.w (n) pꜣ ḥtp-nṯr pꜣj=s-smt 18 n pꜣ ı͗rp r (sṯꜣ) 1 ꜣḥ (n) nꜣ ꜣḥ.w-ꜣrlj n nꜣ ḥtp-nṯr.w n nꜣ nṯr.w wj =f r.r =w
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): ḥn -f s ꜥn r=č̣bꜣ pꜣ= rtb sw r sčꜣ 1 ꜣḥ r:_ wn=nꜣ:w=jw -w šṭy -f n nꜣ= ꜣḥ:w n pꜣ= ḥtp=nčr pꜣy-s=smt n pꜣ= jrp r sčꜣ 1 ꜣḥ n nꜣ= ꜣḥ:w=ꜣrly n nꜣ= ḥtp=nčr:w n nꜣ= nčr:w wy -f r:r -w
Linguistic gloss: order -3SG.M 3SG again as_for DEF.SG.M= Artabe wheat(M) to Aurure(M) one(M) field(M) REL: IPRF -3PL collect -3SG.M in DEF.PL= field(M) of DEF.SG.M= offering(M)=god(M) of DEF.SG.M= wine(M) to Aurure(M) one(M) field(M) in DEF.PL= field(M):PL=grapes(M) of DEF.PL= offering(M)=god(M) of DEF.PL= god(M)-PL -3SG.M to -3PL
Word by word: order -he it again as for the Artabe wheat to Aurure 1 field was -they collect -he in the field of the divine offering of the wine to Aurure 1 field in the wine garden of the divine offering of the gods -he to -they
Wort für Wort: befehlen er es wiederum wegen der Artabe Weizen pro Arure 1 Acker war -sie einziehen er aus die Acker von der Gottesopfer ebenso von der Wein pro Arure 1 Acker aus die Weingarten von die Gottesopfer von die Götter erlassen er in Bezug auf -sie

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
He has ordered further regarding the one artabal of wheat per aroura which used to be levied on the fields of the temple estate, likewise (18) the wine-measure-peraroural9 from the vineyards ofthe temple estatesl ofthe gods: he has remitted them.

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
Außerdem hat er wegen der Artabe Weizen pro Acker-Arure, welche er immer von den Stiftungsäckern einzog, einen Befehl gemacht und sie erlassen, 18 ebenso auch wegen des (Maßes) Wein pro Weingarten-Arure aus dem Stiftungsland der Götter.

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_4275 GR_4280 GR_4285 GR_4290 GR_4295 GR_4300 GR_4305 GR_4310 GR_4315 GR_4320 GR_4325 GR_4330 GR_4335 GR_4340 GR_4345 GR_4350 GR_4355 GR_4360 GR_4365 GR_4370 GR_4375 GR_4380
Traditional transliteration: ἀπέλυσεν δὲ τὰ ἱερὰ καὶ τῆς ἀ[ποτεταγ]μένης Ἀρτάβης τ< ῆ>ι ἀρούραι τῆς ἱερᾶς γῆς, καὶ τῆς ἀμπελίτιδος ὁμοίω[ς] τὸ κεράμιον τῆι ἀρούραι,
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): ap=é:lu-s-en hier-à kaì tē̂s a[po=te-tag]:mén-ēs Artáb-ēs t< ē̂>i aroúrai tē̂s hier-âs g-ē̂s, kaì tē̂s ampelít-idos homoí-ō[s] kerámi-on tē̂i aroúrai,
Linguistic gloss: ABL=AOR:release.ACT-AOR-3SG PTCL DEF.N.ACC.PL temple(N)-ACC.PL CONJ DEF. F .GEN.SG ABL=PFV-set_apart:PTCP.PFV.M/P-GEN.SG.F Artaba-F.GEN.SG DEF.F.DAT.SG aroura-F.DAT.SG DEF.F.GEN.SG holy-GEN.SG land-F.GEN.SG CONJ DEF.F.GEN.SG of_vine(F)-GEN.SG like-ADV DEF.N.ACC.SG winejar(N)-ACC.SG DEF.F.DAT.SG aroura-F.DAT.SG
Word by word: he has released also the temples and the fixed artaba per aroura of the holy land and of the vineyard likewise the winejar per aroura

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
He has relieved the temples also of the artaba -per-aroura fixed on temple land and on vineyards likewise (31) the winejar-per-aroura tax.

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