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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.: PTOL_2095 PTOL_2100 PTOL_2105 PTOL_2110 PTOL_2115 PTOL_2120 PTOL_2125 PTOL_2130 PTOL_2131 PTOL_2135 PTOL_2140 PTOL_2145 PTOL_2150 PTOL_2155 PTOL_2160 PTOL_2165 PTOL_2170 PTOL_2175 PTOL_2180 PTOL_2185 PTOL_2190 PTOL_2195 PTOL_2200 PTOL_2205 PTOL_2210 PTOL_2215 PTOL_2220 PTOL_2225 PTOL_2230 PTOL_2235 PTOL_2240 PTOL_2245 PTOL_2250 PTOL_2255 PTOL_2260 PTOL_2265 PTOL_2270 PTOL_2275 PTOL_2280 PTOL_2285 PTOL_2290 PTOL_2295 PTOL_2300 PTOL_2305 PTOL_2310 PTOL_2315 PTOL_2320 PTOL_2325 PTOL_2330 PTOL_2335 PTOL_2340 PTOL_2345 PTOL_2350 PTOL_2355 PTOL_2360 PTOL_2365 PTOL_2370 PTOL_2375 PTOL_2380 PTOL_2385
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis: ḏd–ḏd–tj m FEAST/ḥꜣb ḫꜥ–ꜥ m HORUS/Ḥrw–RIVERBANK/jdb–CL–RIVERBANK/jdb–CL– RIVERBANK/jdb–CL ẖr–ḥꜣt mj–t–t r–r–r n MONTH/ꜣbd–MONTH/ꜣbd (2×) ꜣḫ–t DAY_OF_THE_MONTH/sw 10–1–1–1–1–1–1–1 jr n f j–jr–w–CL OF:PL/nw–IX sw–ḫꜥ–ꜥ m šsp–p–CL–n f sw–t–y m:ꜥ FATHER/t–jt–IX–f f j–j–s r–f xxx–IX m ḫ–t–CL nb ꜣḫ–PL wr–r mnḫ–t j–t–w mj–y jr–w–t h–CL–PL j–p–n DAY_OF_THE_MONTH/sw 10–1–1–1–1–1–1–1 ꜥrq–CL m MONTH/ꜣbd–CL–t–IX nb m FEAST/ḥꜣb m gs– HOUSE/pr–gs–gs–HOUSE/pr–HOUSE/pr OF:PL/nw–IX bꜣq–t–CL j–w ꜣw s–n–PL
Traditional transliteration: ḏd.ṱ m ḥꜣb ḫꜥ m jdb.(w)-Ḥr ẖr-ḥꜣ.t mj.t.t -(j)r.{w}< ï> n ꜣbd 2 ꜣḫ.t sw 17 jr n =f jr.w n(ï){.w} ḫꜥ(.w) (n)sw m šsp.n =f (n)sw.y(t) m-ꜥ jt =f {j}js -rf ḫnt m (j)ḫ.t nb ꜣḫ.(wt) ⌈wr(.wt)⌉ […] x+11[…] mnḫ.t jtw my jr=tw h(rw).(w) jpn sw 17 ꜥrq(.y) m ꜣbd nb m ḥꜣb m gs.(w)-pr.(w) n(ï).w Bꜣq.t {jw} ꜣw =sn
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): č̣ṭ-t m= ḥꜣb ḫꜥ m= jṭb-w=ḥr ẖr_ḥꜣ:t mjt:ï:t =jr:ï n= ꜣbṭ 2 ꜣḫ:t sw 17 jr n -f jr:w nï= ḫꜥ:w= nsw m= šsp:n -f nsw:yt m=ꜥ jt -f js =rf ḫnt m= ḫ:t =nb ꜣḫ-t wr-t mnḫ-t jtw my jr-tw hrw-w jpn sw 17 ꜥrq:y m= ꜣbṭ =nb m= ḥꜣb m= gs:w_pr:w nï-w bꜣq:t r= ꜣw –sn
Linguistic gloss: make_endure:RES-3SG.F in= feast(M)[SG] (festival_of)_appearance(M)[SG] in= riverbank(M)-PL=Horus(M) before the_like:F =thereof RCPT= month(M)[SG] 2 1st_season:F[SG] day_of_the_month(M)[SG] 17 doPASS RCPT -3S.M rite:M[SG] of= appear:M[SG].STC= king_of_Egypt(M)[SG] in= receivePFV.ANT -3SG.M kingship:F[SG] from=hand(M)[SG].STC father(M)[SG] -3SG.M SBRD =so xxx in= thing:F:PL =each beneficial-F.PL big-F.PL splendid-F DEM:F.PL give.IMP do:SBJV-IMPRS day(M)-PL DEM.PROX:PL day_of_the_month(M)[SG] 17 last_(day_of_the_month):M.SG in= month(M)[SG] =each role_as= feast(M)[SG] in= sanctuaries:M.PL of-M.PL bright:F[SG] to= width(M)[SG] -3PL
Word by word: is_made_endure as feast festival_of_appearance in riverbanks_of–Horus (=Egypt) before the_like thereof for month 2 1st_season day_of_the_month 17 was_done to him rite of appearance king_of_Egypt in has_received he kingship from father his meanwhile so xxx in things each beneficial great splendid these give! that_may_do-one days these day_of_the_month 17 last_day_of_the_month in month each as feast in sanctuaries of bright_one to width -their
Wort für Wort: ist_dauernd_gemacht als Fest Erscheinungsfest in Ufer_von–Horus (=Ägypten) bereits Gleiches davon für Monat 2 erste_Jahreszeit Monatstag 17 wurde_gemacht für ihn Ritual von Erscheinens ägyptischer_König in empfangen_hat er Königswürde von Vater seinem während so xxx in Sachen jegliche nützlichen groß vorzüglich diese gib!/gebt! dass_tue-man Tage diese Monatstag 17 Monatsletzter in Monat jegliche als Fest in Heiligtümer von Helles zu Weite -ihre

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
which has been established as a festival and procession in the banks of Horus already, ‖ likewise for the seventeenth day of the second month of Inundation, when there was performed for him the ritual of the royal appearance, when he received the kingship from his father – behold the beginning of all things beneficial and great […] (11) […beneficent [office], let these days, the seventeenth and the thirtieth, ‖ be celebrated every month as a festival in all the temples of Egypt

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_09745 DEM_09750 DEM_09755 DEM_09760 DEM_09765 DEM_09770 DEM_09775 DEM_09780 DEM_09785 DEM_09790 DEM_09795 DEM_09800 DEM_09805 DEM_09810 DEM_09815 DEM_09820 DEM_09825 DEM_09830 DEM_09835 DEM_09840 DEM_09845 DEM_09850 DEM_09855 DEM_09860 DEM_09865 DEM_09870 DEM_09875 DEM_09880 DEM_09885 DEM_09890 DEM_09895 DEM_09900 DEM_09905 DEM_09910 DEM_09915 DEM_09920 DEM_09925 DEM_09930 DEM_09935 DEM_09940 DEM_09945 DEM_09950 DEM_09955 DEM_09960 DEM_09965 DEM_09970 DEM_09975 DEM_09980 DEM_09985 DEM_09990 DEM_09995 DEM_10000 DEM_10005 DEM_10010 DEM_10015 DEM_10020 DEM_10025 DEM_10030 DEM_10035 DEM_10040 DEM_10045 DEM_10050 DEM_10055 DEM_10060 DEM_10065 DEM_10070 DEM_10075 DEM_10080 DEM_10085 DEM_10090 DEM_10095 DEM_10100 DEM_10105 DEM_10110 DEM_10115
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): ḫpr ı͗w =f smn (n) ḥb ḫꜥ (n) nꜣ ı͗rpj.w tꜣ-ḥꜣ.t pꜣj=s-smt (n) ı͗bd-2 < ꜣḫ.t> {pr.t} sw 17 ntj-ı͗w =w ı͗r n =f nꜣ ı͗r.w (n) pꜣ šsp tꜣ ı͗ꜣw.t-(n-)ḥrj n.ı͗m =f tꜣ ḥꜣ.t (n) nꜣ md.t-nfr.t.w ı͗.ı͗r ḫpr (n) rmṯ nb pꜣ ms pr-ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ-ḏ.t ı͗rm pꜣ šsp tꜣ ı͗ꜣw.t-(n-)ḥrj (r:)_ ı͗r =f ı͗r nꜣj hrw.w sw 17 ꜥrqj (n) ḥb ẖr-ı͗bd nb ẖn nꜣ ı͗rpj.w (n) Km(j) ḏr =w
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): ḫpr jw -f s:mn n ḥb ḫꜥ n nꜣ= jrpy:w tꜣ=ḥꜣ:t pꜣy-s=smt n jbṭ 2 ꜣḫ:t {pr:t} sw 17 nty=jw -w jr n -f nꜣ= jr:w n pꜣ= šsp tꜣ= jꜣw:t=n=ḥry n:jm -f tꜣ= ḥꜣ:t n nꜣ= mṭ:t=nfr:t:w j:jr ḫpr n rmč =nb pꜣ= ms pr=ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ=č̣:t jrm pꜣ= šsp tꜣ= jꜣw:t=n=ḥry r:_ jr -f jr nꜣy hrw:w sw 17 ꜥrqy n ḥb ẖr=jbṭ =nb ẖn nꜣ= jrpy:w n Kmy č̣r -w
Linguistic gloss: happen SBRD -3SG.M make_firm in feast(M) appearance(M) in DEF.PL= temple(M) DEF.M.SG=before in month(M) 2 1st_serason:F 3rd_season:F day_of_the_month(M) 17 REL- -3PL do DAT -3SG.M DEF.PL= to_do(M):PL of DEF.SG.M= receive DEF.F.SG= office=of=chief in -3SG.M DEF.F.SG= beginning of DEF.PL= thing:F=good:F do:PTCP happen DAT human(M) =each DEF.SG.M= birth(M) house(M)=great live:PTCP=eternity:f with DEF.SG.M= receive DEF.F.SG= office=of=chief REL: do -3SG.M do DEM:PL day(M) day_of_the_month(M) 17 last_day_of_the_month in feast(M) with=month(M) =each in DEF.PL= temple(M) of Black:F total -3PL
Word by word: happen while -he establish in feast appearance in the temple the before in 2nd month 1st season 3rd season day of the month 17 that -they do for -he the ritual of the receive the chief’s office in -he the beginning of the benefaction doing happen for (hu)man each the birth pharaoh living eternelly and the receive the chief’s office do -he do these day day of the month 17 last day of the month in feast monthly each in the temple of Egypt total -they
Wort für Wort: es ist so indem er aufstellen als Fest Erscheinung in die Tempel früher ebenso in 2. Monat 1. Jahreszeit dritte Jahreszeit Monatstag 17 welche(r) -sie tun für er die Ritus von der Empfang die Herrscheramt an er die Anfang von die Wohltat tuend zufallen für Mensch jeder der Geburt Pharao ewiglebend und der empfangen die Herrscheramt tun er feiern diese Tag Monatstag 17 letzter Monatstag als Fest allmonatlich jeder in die Tempel von Ägypten ganz -sie

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
having been established as a festival and procession in the temples already, likewise the seventeenth day of the second month of Winter 30 (sic) on which were performed for him the ceremonies of the assumption of the supreme office – the beginning of the benefits that have happened for all men – the birth of PharaohLPH living forever and the assumption of the supreme office by him, these days, the seventeenth and the thirtieth, ‖ are to be celebrated as festival every month in all the temples of Egypt;

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
als Erscheinungsfest in den Tempeln festgelegt worden ist und ebenso der 17. Tag des zweiten Überschwemmungsmonats, an dem man ihm die Zeremonien der Übernahme des obersten Amts gemacht hat – der Anfang von allem Guten, das jedem Menschen widerfahren ist, ist ja die Geburt des Pharao – er lebe ewig! – und seine Übernahme des obersten Amts -, darum sollen diese Tage, der 17. und der 30. Tag, ‖ in jedem Monat in allen Tempeln Ägyptens Festtage sein.

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_6690 GR_6695 GR_6700 GR_6705 GR_6710 GR_6715 GR_6720 GR_6725 GR_6730 GR_6735 GR_6740 GR_6745 GR_6750 GR_6755 GR_6760 GR_6765 GR_6770 GR_6775 GR_6780 GR_6785 GR_6790 GR_6795 GR_6800 GR_6805 GR_6810 GR_6815 GR_6820 GR_6825 GR_6830 GR_6835 GR_6840 GR_6845 GR_6850 GR_6855 GR_6860 GR_6865 GR_6870 GR_6875 GR_6880 GR_6885 GR_6900 GR_6905 GR_6910
Traditional transliteration: ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ [τὴν ἑπτακαιδεκάτην τοῦ Φαωφὶ] ἔν ἧι παρέλαβεν τὴν βασιλείαν παρ< ὰ> τοῦ πατρός, ἐπωνύμους νενομίκασιν ἐν τοῖς ἱεροῖς, αἳ δὴ πολλῶν ἀγαθῶν ἀρχηγοὶ < π>ᾶσίν εἰσιν, ἄγειν τὰς ἡμέρας ταύτας ἑορ[τὰς καὶ πανηγύρεις ἐν τοῖς κατὰ τὴν Αἴ]γυπτον ἱεροῖς κατὰ μῆνα,
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): homoí-ōs kaì [tḕn hepta=kai=dekát-ēn toû Phaōphì] én hē̂i par=é:lab-en tḕn basileí-an parà toû patr-ós, epōnúm-ous ne-nomík-asin en toîs hier-oîs, haì dḕ poll-ō̂n agath-ō̂n arkhēg-oì pâ:sín eisin, ág-ein tàs hēmér-as taútas heort-às kaì panēgúr-eis en toîs katà tḕn Aígupt-on hier-oîs katà mē̂n-a,
Linguistic gloss: similar-ADV PTCL CONJ DEF.F.ACC.SG seven=CONJ=tenth-F.ACC.SG DEF.GEN.SG Phaōphì(M)[GEN.SG] INESS REL.F.DAT.SG LAT=AOR:TAKE.AOR-3SG DEF.F.ACC.SG kingdom-F.ACC.SG LAT DEF.GEN.SG father(M)-GEN.SG PRF-hold_in_honour.PRF-3PL INESS DEF.DAT.PL temple(N)-ACC.SG REL.F.NOM.PL PTCL many-GEN.PL good_things-(N).GEN.PL beginning(M)-NOM.PL every:DAT.PL be.PRS.3PL lead-PRS.INF DEF.F.ACC.PL day-F.ACC.PL DEM.F.ACC.PL festival-F.ACC.PL CONJ feast(F)-ACC.PL INESS DEF.DAT.PL DIR.INFR DEF.F.ACC.SG Egypt(F)-ACC.SG temple(N)-ACC.SG DIR.INFR month(M)-ACC.SG
Word by word: similarly and and the seventeenth of the Phaōphì in which inherited the kingdom besides the father named they held in honour in the temples which hence of many good things beginnings for all they are to celebrate the days those festivals and feasts in the throughout the Egypt temples every month

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
likewise [the seventeenth of Phaophi] (47) on which he inherited the kingship from his father, are held in honour as name days in the temples – which are truly the sources of great blessings for all – to celebrate these days as fest[ival and feast in the] temples [throughout E]gypt (48) every month‖

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