Section 43

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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.: PTOL_1470 PTOL_1475 PTOL_1480 PTOL_1485 PTOL_1490 PTOL_1495 PTOL_1500 PTOL_1505 PTOL_1510 PTOL_1515 PTOL_1520 PTOL_1525 PTOL_1530 PTOL_1535 PTOL_1540 PTOL_1545 PTOL_1550 PTOL_1555 PTOL_1560 PTOL_1565 PTOL_1570 PTOL_1575 PTOL_1580 PTOL_1585 PTOL_1590 PTOL_1595 PTOL_1600 PTOL_1605
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis: j–r j–r–f ḫ–p FEAST/ḥꜣb-PL wr–r–PL COME_FORTH/pr GOD/nṯr m qb–t–CL f NOBLE/šps–s r–sꜣ HOUSE/prw–IX f m s–n–PL m–w–t w–t s–ḫꜥ–CL SHRINE/kꜣr NOBLE/šps–s n GOD/nṯr COME_FORTH/pr–r–CL nb nfr–nfr–nfr ḥ–r s–n–PL
Traditional transliteration: jr jrf ḫp(r) ḥꜣb.(w) wr.(w) pr(j) nṯr m qb.t =f šps r-sꜣ pr =f jm =sn mtw =tw sḫꜥ kꜣr šps n(ï) nṯr pr nb- nfr.(w) ḥn(ꜥ) =sn
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): jr jrf ḫpr ḥꜣb-w wr-w pr nčr m= qb:t -f šps r_sꜣ pr -f jm -sn mtw -tw sḫꜥ kꜣr šps nï= nčr pr nb= nfr:w ḥlꜥ –sn
Linguistic gloss: TOPZ PTCL occur:SBJV feast(M)-PL great-M.PL come_forth:SBJV god(M)[SG] in= naos:F[SG] -3SG.M noble[M.SG] after house(M)[SG] -3SG.M in -3PL COORD -IMPRS make_appear:INF shrine(M)[SG] noble[M.SG] of= god(M)[SG] come_forth:PTCP.ACT[M.SG] lord(M)[SG].STC= goodness:M.COLL together_with -3PL
Word by word: when so will_occur feasts great will_come_forth god from shrine -his noble after house -his in -them and -one makes_appear shrine noble of= god coming_forth lord_of goodness together_with -them
Wort für Wort: wenn somit stattfinden_werden Feste große wird_hervorkommen Gott aus Schrein -seinem prächtigen nach Haus -seinem an -ihnen und -man lässt_erscheinen Schrein prächtigen von= Gott herauskommend Herr_von Güte zusammen_mit -ihnen

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
when great festivals occur in which the god comes forth from his august temple and outside of his house, they are to cause the august shrine of the God who appears, possessor of goodness, to appear with them.

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_08580 DEM_08585 DEM_08590 DEM_08595 DEM_08600 DEM_08605 DEM_08610 DEM_08615 DEM_08620 DEM_08625 DEM_08630 DEM_08635 DEM_08640 DEM_08645 DEM_08650 DEM_08655 DEM_08660 DEM_08665 DEM_08670 DEM_08675 DEM_08680 DEM_08685 DEM_08690 DEM_08695 DEM_08700 DEM_08705 DEM_08710 DEM_08715 DEM_08720 DEM_08725
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): ı͗.ı͗r nꜣ ḥb.w ꜥj.w ntj-ı͗w =w dj.t ḫꜥ nꜣ nṯr.w n.ı͗m =w ḫpr mtw =w dj.t ḫꜥ tꜣ gꜣ(.t) (n) pꜣ nṯr-ntj-pr ntj- – nꜣ-ꜥn tꜣj =f md.t-nfr.t ı͗rm =w
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): j:jr nꜣ= ḥb:w ꜥy:w nty=jw -w ṭy:t ḫꜥ nꜣ= nčr:w n:jm -w ḫpr mtw -w ṭy:t ḫꜥ tꜣ= gꜣ:t n pꜣ= nčr=nty=pr nty =nꜣ=ꜥn =tꜣy -f =mṭ:t=nfr:t jrm -w
Linguistic gloss: SBRD DEF.PL= feast(M) great:PL REL- -3PL give appear DEF.PL= god(M)-PL in -3PL happen CORD.MOD -3PL give appear DEF.F.SG= chapel:F of DEF.SG.M= god(M)=REL=come REL being=beautiful POSS:F:SG -3SG.M thing:F=good:F with -3PL
Word by word: the feast great that -they give appear the gods in -they happen and -they give appear the chapel of the emerging god that be beautiful the one of -he benefaction and -they
Wort für Wort: die Fest groß welche(r) -sie veranlassen erscheinen die Götter an -sie geschehen und -sie veranlassen erscheinen die Kapelle von der erscheinender Gott welche(r) die von er Wohltat mit -sie

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
When important festivals occur in which they cause the gods to appear, they are to cause to appear the shrine of the God who appears, whose goodness is perfect, with them.

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
An den großen Festen mit Götterprozessionen soll man auch den Schrein des glänzenden, gütigen Gottes mitführen.

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_6010 GR_6015 GR_6020 GR_6025 GR_6030 GR_6035 GR_6040 GR_6045 GR_6050 GR_6055 GR_6060 GR_6065 GR_6070 GR_6075 GR_6080 GR_6085 GR_6090 GR_6095 GR_6100 GR_6105 GR_6110
Traditional transliteration: καὶ ἐν ταῖς μεγάλαις πανηγύρεσιν, ἐν αἷς ἐξοδεῖαι τῶν ναῶν γίνονται, καὶ τὸν τοῦ θεοῦ Ἐπιφανοῦς Εὐ[χαρίστου ναὸν συνε]- ξοδεύειν.
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): kaì en taîs megál-ais panēgúresin, en haîs exodeî-ai tō̂n na-ō̂n gín-ontai, kaì tòn toû the-oû Epiphan-oûs eu[kharíst-ou na-òn sun=e]43 ks=odeú-ein
Linguistic gloss: CONJ INESS DEF.F.DAT.PL great-F.DAT.PL festival(F)-DAT.PL INESS REL.F.DAT.PL expedition-F.NOM.PL DEF.GEN.PL shrine(M)-GEN.PL become-3PL.PRS.M/P CONJ DEF.M.ACC.SG DEF.GEN.SG god(M)-GEN.SG Epiphanes(M)-GEN.SG Eucharistos(M)-GEN.SG shrine(M)-ACC.SG COM=ELAT=travel-PRS.INF
Word by word: and in the great festivals in which expedition of the shrines take place and the of the god Epiphanes Eucharistos shrine to go out along with

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
and in the great festivals in which the processions of the shrines take place, they are to carry out [also] the [shrine] of the god Epiphanes Eu[charistos].

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