Section 32

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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.: PTOL_0435 PTOL_0440 PTOL_0445 PTOL_0450 PTOL_0455 PTOL_0460 PTOL_0465 PTOL_0470 PTOL_0475 PTOL_0480 PTOL_0485 PTOL_0490 PTOL_0495 PTOL_0500 PTOL_0505
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis: SILVER/ḥḏ–CL ḥ–j–CL–CL–CL–CL wr–r–PL ḥ–r ḫ–t nb mj ꜥ–š s–n–PL r ḥw–t–CL s–n–ḫ n–t–ï ḥ–ḥp–p LIVE/ꜥnḫ
Traditional transliteration: […]ḥḏ wꜣḥ.j wr.(w) ḥn(ꜥ) ḫ.t nb mj ꜥš(ꜣ) =sn r ḥw.t- sḫn ntï Ḥp ꜥnḫ
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): …ḥč̣ wꜣḥ:yt wr-w ḥlꜥ ḫ:t =nb mj ꜥšꜣ -sn jr= ḥw:t= sḫn ntï ḥp ꜥnḫ
Linguistic gloss: silver(M)[SG] grain:F[SG] great-M.PL together_with thing:F[SG] =each like be_numerousINF oder NMLZ -3PL to= mansion:F[SG]= resting_place(M)[SG] of Apis(M) livePTCP.ACT[M.SG]
Word by word: silver grain much together_with thing each like being_plentiful -it to the_temple of_dwelling of Apis living
Wort für Wort: Silber Getreide viel zusammen_mit Sache jeglicher wie viel_ist -es zum Tempel ? vom Apis lebenden

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
(4) […] much silver and grain and everything in quantity to the temple of installation of the living Apis

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_06580 DEM_06585 DEM_06590 DEM_06595 DEM_06600 DEM_06605 DEM_06610 DEM_06615 DEM_06620 DEM_06625 DEM_06630 DEM_06635 DEM_06640
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): dj =f nb ḥḏ pr.t ꜥšꜣj ı͗rm k.t-ẖ.t nkt wbꜣ tꜣ s.t-ḥp
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): ṭy -f nb ḥč̣ pr:t ꜥšꜣy jrm k:t:ẖ:t nkt wbꜣ tꜣ= s:t=ḥp
Linguistic gloss: give -3SG.M gold(M) silver(M) grain:F many with other:PL thing(M) zu DEF.F.SG= place:F=Apis(M)
Word by word: give -he gold silver grain many and other thing to the place_of=Apis
Wort für Wort: geben er Gold Silber Korn viel und andere Sache für die Stätte des Apis

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
he has given gold, silver and grain in plenty and other things for the temple of the Apis;

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
Er hat für die Stätte des Apis viel Gold, Silber, Getreide und andere Dinge gegeben.

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_4750 GR_4755 GR_4760 GR_4765 GR_4770 GR_4775 GR_4780 GR_4785 GR_4790 GR_4795 GR_4800 GR_4805 GR_4810 GR_4815 GR_4820 GR_4825 GR_4830 GR_4835 GR_4840 GR_4845 GR_4850
Traditional transliteration: καὶ τὸ Ἀπιεῖον ἔργοις πολυτελέσιν κατεσκεύασεν χορηγήσας εἰς αὐτὸ χρυσίο< υ> τε κ[αὶ ἀργυρί] ου καὶ λίθων πολυτελῶν πλῆθος οὐκ ὀλίγον,
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): kaì Apieî-on érg-ois polu=tel-ésin kat=e-skeúa:s-en khorēg-ḗsa-s eis autò khrusí-o te k[aì argurí] -ou kaì líth-ōn polutel-ō̂n plē̂th-os ouk olíg-on,
Linguistic gloss: CONJ DEF.N.ACC.SG Apieion(N)ACC.SG work(N)-DAT.PL much=expenditure-DAT.PL DIR.INFR=AOR-prepare:IND.AOR.ACT-3SG supply-PTCP.AOR.ACT-NOM.SG.M ALL 3G.N.ACC.SG gold(N)-GEN.SG PTCL CONJ silver(N)-GEN.SG CONJ stone(M)-GEN.PL much=expenditure-GEN.PL amount-N.ACC.SG NEG small-ACC.SG
Word by word: and the Apieion works with rich he has adorned supplying for it gold both and silver and stones precious amount no small

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
and the Apieion he has adorned with rich works, supplying for it gold [and silver] (34) and precious stones in no small amount.

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