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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.: PTOL_3180 PTOL_3185 PTOL_3190 PTOL_3195 PTOL_3200 PTOL_3205 PTOL_3210 PTOL_3215 PTOL_3220 PTOL_3225 PTOL_3230 PTOL_3235 PTOL_3240 PTOL_3245 PTOL_3250 PTOL_3255 PTOL_3260 PTOL_3265 PTOL_3270 PTOL_3275 PTOL_3280 PTOL_3285 PTOL_3290 PTOL_3295 PTOL_3300 PTOL_3305 PTOL_3310 PTOL_3315 PTOL_3320 PTOL_3325 PTOL_3330 PTOL_3335 PTOL_3340 PTOL_3345 PTOL_3350 PTOL_3355 PTOL_3360 PTOL_3365 PTOL_3370 PTOL_3375 PTOL_3380 PTOL_3385 PTOL_3390 PTOL_3395 PTOL_3400 PTOL_3405
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis: [//]⌈s⌉–ḫꜣ–w–ï–CL p–n SUPR/ḥr–IX ꜥḥꜥ–ꜥ–y–CL n–t–ï ꜥꜣ–t–CL rwḏ m sẖꜣ n nṯr–md–PL sẖꜣ n š–ꜥ–y–CL s–ḫꜣ–y–CL n ḥꜣ–w–ï–nb–nb–CL–PL–IX r–t–GIVE/rdj ꜥḥꜥ–ꜥ–CL f m gs– HOUSE/pr–gs–gs–HOUSE/pr–HOUSE/pr m r–PL–HOUSE/pr–CL nb SUPR/ḥr–IX rn f m 1 mḥ–1 mḥ–2 mḥ–3 r–HALF/gs–IX ẖn–n–t–CL n sw–t–BEE/bjt–t CL–p–t–r–m–y–s ḏ–ꜥnḫ–t–CL p–t–ḥ–mr–y–CL GOD/nṯr pr–r–CL nb nfr–nfr–nfr
Traditional transliteration: ⌈s⌉ḫꜣ.wï pn ḥr ꜥḥ{ꜥ}y(.w) ntï ꜥꜣ.t rwḏ(.t) m sẖꜣ(.w) n(ï) md(w).(w)-nṯr sẖꜣ(.w) n(ï) š{ꜥ}y(.t) sḫ{ꜣ}y(.w) n(ï) Ḥꜣ.wï-nb.wï rd(.t) ꜥḥꜥ =f m gs.(w)-pr.(w) m r‘.(w)-pr nb ḥr rn =f m {1} mḥ-1 mḥ-2 mḥ-3 r-gs ẖn.tï n(ï) (n)sw-bjt Ptwlmys ꜥnḫ ḏ.t mr.y Ptḥ nṯr pr(j) nb- nfr.(w)
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): sḫꜣ:w pn ḥr ꜥḥꜥ:w ntï ꜥꜣ:t rwč̣-t m= sẖꜣ:w mṭw-w-nčr sẖꜣ:w šꜥ:t sḫꜣ:w ḥꜣw_nbw rṭ ꜥḥꜥ -f m= gs:w_pr:w m= r-w_pr =nb ḥr rn -f m= mḥ_1 mḥ_2 mḥ_3 r_gs ẖn:t:ï nsw_bjt Ptwlmys ꜥnḫ č̣:t mr:y= Ptḥ nčr pr nb= nfr:w
Linguistic gloss: remembrance:M.COLL DEM.PROX:M.SG on stela:M.SG of precious_stone:F[SG] firm-F.SG in= writing:M.COLL of word(M)-PL=god(M)[SG] writing:M.COLL of document:F[SG] writing:M.COLL of people_of_the_Aegean give:INF stand_up:SBJV -3SG.M in= sanctuaries:M.PL in= temples:M.PL =each at name(M)[SG] -3SG.M in= ORD_1 ORD_2 ORD_3 beside statue(M)[SG] of King_of_United_Egypt(M)[SG] Ptolemy(M) be_alive:RES eternity:F[SG] beloved[M.SG].STC= Ptah(M) god(M)[SG] come_forth:PTCP[M.SG] lord(M)[SG].STC= goodness:M.COLL
Word by word: memorandum this on stela of precious_stone firm in script of words_of=god script of document script of Greeks cause shall_stand_up -he in sanctuaries in temples each at name -his in first second third beside statue of King_of_United_Egypt Ptolemy is_alive (in)_eternity beloved_one_of Ptah god one_coming_forth lord_of goodness
Wort für Wort: Memorandum dieses auf Stele von wertvoller_Stein harter in Schrift von Gottesworte Schrift von Schriftstück Schrift von Griechen veranlassen soll_stehen -er in Heiligtümer in Tempel jegliche bei Name -sein in erster zweiter dritter neben Statue von König_des_Vereinigten_Ägypten Ptolemaios ist_lebendig (in)_Ewigkeit Geliebter_von Ptah Gott Hervorkommender Herr_von Güte

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
(14) […] this decree on a stela of hard stone in the script of the words of god, the script of documents and the letters of the Aegeans and set it up in all the temples of first, second and third rank, beside the statue of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Ptolemy living forever, beloved of Ptah, the God who appears, possessor of goodness. ‖

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_11365 DEM_11370 DEM_11375 DEM_11380 DEM_11385 DEM_11390 DEM_11395 DEM_11400 DEM_11405 DEM_11410 DEM_11415 DEM_11420 DEM_11425 DEM_11430 DEM_11435 DEM_11440 DEM_11445 DEM_11450 DEM_11455 DEM_11460 DEM_11465 DEM_11470 DEM_11475 DEM_11480 DEM_11485 DEM_11490 DEM_11495 DEM_11500 DEM_11505 DEM_11510 DEM_11515 DEM_11520 DEM_11525 DEM_11530 DEM_11535 DEM_11540
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): mtw =w sẖ pꜣ wt n wjṱ (n) ı͗nj ḏrj n sẖ-md-nṯr sẖ-šꜥ.t sẖ-wjnn mtw =w dj.t ꜥḥꜥ =f n nꜣ ı͗rpj.w mḥ-1 nꜣ ı͗rpj.w mḥ-2 nꜣ ı͗rpj.w mḥ-3 ı͗.ı͗r-ḏr.t pꜣ twtw n pr-ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ-ḏ.t
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): mtw -w sẖ pꜣ= wt n wyṱ n jny č̣ry n sẖ=mṭ=nčr sẖ=šꜥ:t sẖ=wynn mtw -w ṭy:t ꜥḥꜥ -f n nꜣ= jrpy:w mḥ=1 nꜣ= jrpy:w mḥ=2 nꜣ= jrpy:w mḥ=3 j:jr=č̣r:t pꜣ= twtw n pr=ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ č̣:t
Linguistic gloss: CORD.MOD -3PL write:INF DEF.SG.M= order(M) in stela(M) of stone(M) hard in writing(M)=words(M)=god(M) writing(M)=letter(M) writing(M)=Greek(M) CORD.MOD -3PL give:INF stand:SBJV -3SG.M in DEF.PL= temple(M) ORD=one DEF.PL= temple(M) ORD=two DEF.PL= temple(M) ORD=three at=hand(M) DEF.SG.M= image(M) of house(M)=great living eternity:F
Word by word: and they write the order in stela of stone hard in writing of words of god writing of letter writing of the Greek and they give that stand he in the temple first the temple second the temple third beside the image of pharaoh living eternelly
Wort für Wort: und sie schreiben der Befehl in Stele von Stein fest in Schrift der Gottesworte Briefschrift Griechenschrift und sie veranlassen dass stehen er in die Tempel erster die Tempel zweiter die Tempel dritter neben der Abbild von Pharao ewiglebend

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
They shall write the decree on a stela of hard stone in the script of the words of god, the script of documents and the script of the Ionians32 and set it up in the first-rank temples, the second-rank temples and the third-rank temples, in the vicinity of the divine image of PharaohLPH living forever. ‖

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
XIX. Veröffentlichung des Beschlusses Man soll den Befehl auf eine Stele von hartem Stein in der Schrift der Gottesworte, in Briefschrift und in griechischer Schrift schreiben und die Stele in den ersten, zweiten und dritten Tempeln neben dem Bild des Pharao – er lebe ewig! – aufstellen. ‖

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_7780 GR_7785 GR_7790 GR_7795 GR_7800 GR_7805 GR_7810 GR_7815 GR_7820 GR_7825 GR_7830 GR_7835 GR_7840 GR_7845 GR_7850 GR_7855 GR_7860 GR_7865 GR_7870 GR_7875 GR_7880 GR_7885 GR_7890 GR_7895 GR_7900 GR_7905 GR_7910 GR_7915 GR_7920 GR_7925 GR_7930 GR_7935 GR_7940 GR_7945 GR_7950 GR_7955 GR_7960
Traditional transliteration: τὸ δὲ ψήφισμα τοῦτο ἀναγράψαι εἰς στή] [λας σ]τερεοῦ λίθου τοῖς τε ἱεροῖς καὶ ἐγχωρίοις καὶ Ἑλληνικοῖς γράμμασιν, καὶ στῆσαι ἐν ἑκάστωι τῶν τε πρώτων καὶ δευτέρων [καὶ τρίτων ἱερῶν πρὸς τῆι τοῦ αἰωνοβίου βασιλέως εἰκόνι.]
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): psḗphism-a toûto ana=grá:psai eis stḗ] [l-as s]tere-oû líth-ou toîs te hier-oîs kaì egkhōrí-ois kaì hellēnik-oîs grámma-sin, kaì st-ē̂sai en hekást-ōi tō̂n te prṓt-ōn kaì deutér-ōn [kaì trít-ōn hier-ō̂n pròs tē̂i toû aiōno=bíou basilé-ōs eikón-i.]
Linguistic gloss: DEF.N.ACC.SG PTCL decree-N.ACC.SG DEM.N.ACC.SG SUPR=write:AOR.INF ALL monument-F.ACC.PL solid-GEN.SG stone(M)-GEN.SG DEF.DAT.PL PTCL sacred-DAT.PL CONJ native-DAT.PL CONJ Greek-DAT.PL letter(N)-DAT.PL CONJ make_to_stand-AOR.INF INESS each-DAT.SG DEF.GEN.PL PTCL first-GEN.PL CONJ second-GEN.PL CONJ third-GEN.PL temple(N)-GEN.PL PROX DEF.F.DAT.SG DEF.GEN.SG eternal=life-GEN.SG king(M)-GEN.SG image(F)-DAT.SG
Word by word: the and decree this inscribe to monument solid stone the and sacred and native and Greek letters and set up in each from both first and second and third temples next to the the everliving of king image

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
(It has been decided) to inscribe this decree on a stela] (54) of hard stone, in sacred and native and Greek characters and to set it up in each of the first and second [and third rank temples next to the image of the everliving king.] ‖

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