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Ptolemaic Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Dec 2016)

ID no.: PTOL_0805 PTOL_0810 PTOL_0815 PTOL_0820 PTOL_0825 PTOL_0830 PTOL_0835 PTOL_0840 PTOL_0845 PTOL_0850 PTOL_0855 PTOL_0860 PTOL_0865 PTOL_0870 PTOL_0875 PTOL_0880 PTOL_0885 PTOL_0890 PTOL_0895 PTOL_0900 PTOL_0905 PTOL_0910 PTOL_0915 PTOL_0920 PTOL_0925 PTOL_0930
Original spelling:
Spelling analysis: sḫ–n–CL nfr ꜥ–q–CL s m HEART/jb–IX n PURE/wꜥb–PL nw SHRINE/jtrt–SHRINE/jtrt UPPER_EGYPT/šmꜥw LOWER_EGYPT/mḥw mj ⌈?⌉ s–n–xxx ⌈s⌉–[///]–p–⌈r⌉ s–n–PL ḥ–r GOD/nṯr–GOD/nṯr nḏ–nḏ ḏ–n–f–CL–PL n t–w–t–CL–CL s–n–PL
Traditional transliteration: sḫn nfr ꜥq =s m jb n(ï) wꜥb.(w) n(ï) jtr.tï šmꜥ.w mḥ.w mj ⌈ꜥš(ꜣ)⌉ =sn […] x+6[…] ⌈s:⌉[ḫ]p⌈r⌉ sn ḥn(ꜥ) nṯr.wï nḏ.wï ḏfn.(w) {n} twt(.w) =sn
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): sḫn nfr ꜥq -s m= jb wꜥb-w jtr:t-ï šmꜥ:w mḥ:w mj ꜥšꜣ -sn s:ḫpr:PTCP[M.SG] =sn ḥlꜥ nčr-wï nč̣-wï č̣fn-w m= twt:w -sn
Linguistic gloss: fortune(M)[SG] perfect[M:SG] enter:IPFV -3SG.F in= heart(M)[SG] of pure_one(M)-PL of shrine:F-DU Upper_Egypt(M)[SG] Lower_Egypt(M)[SG] like quantity(M)[SG] -3PL bring_into_being =3PL together_with god(M)-DU protect:PTCP-M.DU ancestor(M)-PL in= entirety:M.COLL -3PL
Word by word: fortune perfect enters -it in heart of pure_(priests) of pair_of_shrines Upper_Egypt Lower_Egypt like quantity -their one_creating them together_with pair_of_gods protecting_ones ancestors in entirety -their
Wort für Wort: Glück vollkommenes eintritt -es in Herz von Reine_(Priesters) von Schrein-Paar Oberägypten Unterägypten wie Menge -ihre entstehen_Lassender sie zusammen_mit Götter-Paar beschützende Vorfahren in Vollständigkeit -ihre

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
With good fortune it entered the heart of the priests of the two conclaves of Upper and Lower Egypt as many as they were […] (6) […] begat them and of the Gods who save, all of the ancestors;

Demotic Egyptian (Oct 2014)

ID no.: DEM_07220 DEM_07225 DEM_07230 DEM_07235 DEM_07240 DEM_07245 DEM_07250 DEM_07255 DEM_07260 DEM_07265 DEM_07270 DEM_07275 DEM_07280 DEM_07285 DEM_07290 DEM_07295 DEM_07300 DEM_07305 DEM_07310 DEM_07315 DEM_07320 DEM_07325 DEM_07330 DEM_07335 DEM_07340 DEM_07345 DEM_07350 DEM_07355 DEM_07360 DEM_07365 DEM_07370 DEM_07375 DEM_07380 DEM_07385 DEM_07390 DEM_07395 DEM_07400 DEM_07405 DEM_07410 DEM_07415 DEM_07420 DEM_07425 DEM_07430 DEM_07435 DEM_07440 DEM_07445 DEM_07450 DEM_07455 DEM_07460 DEM_07465 DEM_07470 DEM_07475 DEM_07480 DEM_07485 DEM_07490 DEM_07495 DEM_07500 DEM_07505 DEM_07510 DEM_07515 DEM_07520 DEM_07525 DEM_07530 DEM_07535 DEM_07540 DEM_07545 DEM_07550 DEM_07555 DEM_07560 DEM_07565 DEM_07570 DEM_07575 DEM_07580 DEM_07585 DEM_07590 DEM_07595 DEM_07600 DEM_07605 DEM_07610 DEM_07615 DEM_07620 DEM_07625 DEM_07630 DEM_07635 DEM_07640 DEM_07645 DEM_07650 DEM_07655 DEM_07660 DEM_07665 DEM_07670 DEM_07675
Traditional transliteration (TLA, G. Vittmann): ı͗rm pꜣ sḫnj nfr pḥ =s n ḥꜣtj (n) nꜣ wꜥb.w (n) nꜣ ı͗rpj.w (n) Kmj ḏr =w nꜣ md.t-pḥ.w ntj mtw pr-ꜥꜣ Ptlwmjꜣs ꜥnḫ-ḏ.t pꜣ nṯr-pr ntj -nꜣ-ꜥn tꜣj .f md.t-nfr.t ẖn nꜣ ı͗rpj.w 22 ı͗rm nꜣ ntj mtw nꜣ nṯr.w-mr-ı͗t;ṱ. w ı͗.ı͗r dj.t ḫpr =f ı͗rm nꜣ ntj mtw nꜣ nṯr.w-mnḫ.w ı͗.ı͗r dj.t ḫpr nꜣ ı͗.ı͗r dj.t ḫpr =f ı͗rm nꜣ ntj mtw nꜣ nṯr.w-sn.w ı͗.ı͗r dj.t ḫpr nꜣ ı͗.ı͗r dj.t ḫpr =w ı͗rm nꜣ ntj mtw nꜣ nṯr.w-ntj-nḥm nꜣ ı͗t;ṱ.w (n) nꜣj. =f ı͗t;ṱ.w r dj.t ꜥj =w
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): jrm pꜣ= sḫny nfr pḥ -s n ḥꜣty n nꜣ= wꜥb:w n nꜣ= jrpy:w n Kmy č̣r -w nꜣ= mṭ:t=pḥ:w nty mtw pr=ꜥꜣ Ptlwmyꜣs ꜥnḫ=č̣:t pꜣ= nčr=pr nty =nꜣ=ꜥn =tꜣy -f mṭ:t=nfr:t ẖn nꜣ= jrpy:w jrm nꜣ= nty mtw nꜣ= nčr:w=mr=jt:ṱ-w j:jr ṭy:t ḫpr -f jrm nꜣ= nty mtw nꜣ= nčr:w=mnḫ:w j:jr ṭy:t ḫpr nꜣ= j:jr ṭy:t ḫpr -f jrm nꜣ= nty mtw nꜣ nčr:w=sn:w j:jr ṭy:t ḫpr nꜣ= j:jr ṭy:t ḫpr -w jrm nꜣ= nty mtw nꜣ= nčr:w=nty=nḥm nꜣ= jt:ṱ:w n nꜣy -f jt:ṱ:w r ṭy:t ꜥy -w
Linguistic gloss: with DEF.SG.M= good 3SG.F in heart(M) of DEF.PL= priest(M) of DEF.PL= temple(M) of Black:F total -3PL DEF.PL= thing:F=xxx REL belonging_to house(M)=great Ptolemy live:PTCP=eternity:f DEF.SG.M= god(M)=come:PTCP -3SG.M in DEF.PL= temple(M) with DEF.PL= REL belonging_to DEF.PL= god(M):PL=love:PTCP=father(M) do:PTCP give happen -3SG.M with DEF.PL= REL belonging_to DEF.PL= do:PTCP give happen DEF.PL= do:PTCP give happen -3SG.M with DEF.PL= REL belonging_to DAT god(M):PL=siblings:M.COLL do:PTCP give happen DEF.PL= do:PTCP give happen -3PL with DEF.PL= REL belonging_to DEF.PL= god(M):PL=REL=save DEF.PL= father(M):PL of POSS:PL -3SG.M father(M):PL to give be_great -3PL
Word by word: and the good her in heart of the priest of the temple of Egypt total -they the honour that belonging to pharaoh Ptolemy living eternelly the emerging god Eucharistos -he in the temple and the that belonging to the father-loving gods doing give happen -he and the that belonging to the doing give happen the doing give happen -he and the that belonging to for sibling gods doing give happen the doing give happen -they and the that belonging to the saving gods the fathers of the ones of -he fathers to give be great -they
Wort für Wort: mit der Ereignis gut erreichen sie in Herz von die Priester von die Tempel von Ägypten ganz -sie die Ehre welche(r) gehören zu Pharao Ptolemaios ewiglebend der erscheinender Gott Eucharistos er in die Tempel und die welche(r) gehören zu die vaterliebende Götter tuend veranlassen entstehen er und die welche(r) gehören zu die wohltätige Götter tuend veranlassen entstehen die tuend veranlassen entstehen er und die welche(r) gehören zu für Geschwistergötter tuend veranlassen entstehen die tuend veranlassen entstehen -sie und die welche(r) gehören zu die Rettergötter die Vorfahren von die von er Vorfahren um zu veranlassen groß sein -sie

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
With good fortune it entered the heart of the priests of all the temples of Egypt that the benefits belonging to PharaohLPH Ptolemy living forever, the God who appears, whose goodness is perfect, in the temples (22) and those belonging to the Gods who love their father, who begat him, and those belonging to the beneficent Gods, who begat those who begat him, and those belonging to the fraternal Gods, who begat those who begat them, and those belonging to the Gods who save, fathers of his fathers, be increased;

Übersetzung (Kaplony-Heckel 1983):
XIII Beschluß der Priester zu Ehren des Königs und seiner Ahnen Zum guten Ereignis! Es kam den Priestern aller Tempel Ägyptens in den Sinn, die Ehren zu vergrößern, die Pharao Ptolemaios genießt – er lebe ewig! -, der glänzende, gütige Gott, 22 zusammen mit den vaterliebenden Göttern, die ihn geboren haben, zusammen mit den wohltätigen Göttern, die seine Eltern geboren haben, zusammen mit den Götter-Brüdern, die sie geboren haben, zusammen mit den Göttern, die retten, den Vätern seiner Väter.

Ancient Greek (Oct 2014)

ID no.: GR_5165 GR_5170 GR_5175 GR_5180 GR_5185 GR_5190 GR_5195 GR_5200 GR_5205 GR_5210 GR_5215 GR_5220 GR_5225 GR_5230 GR_5235 GR_5240 GR_5245 GR_5250 GR_5255 GR_5260 GR_5265 GR_5270 GR_5275 GR_5280 GR_5285 GR_5290 GR_5295 GR_5300 GR_5305 GR_5310 GR_5315 GR_5320 GR_5325 GR_5330 GR_5335 GR_5340 GR_5345 GR_5350 GR_5355 GR_5360 GR_5365 GR_5370 GR_5375 GR_5380 GR_5385 GR_5390 GR_5395 GR_5400 GR_5405 GR_5410 GR_5415 GR_5420 GR_5425 GR_5430 GR_5435
Traditional transliteration: ἀγαθῆι τύχηι, ἔδοξεν τοῖς ἱερεύσι τῶν κατὰ τὴν χώραν ἱερῶν πάντων, τὰ ὑπάρχοντα τ[ίμια πάντα] τῶι αἰωνοβίωι βασιλεῖ Πτολεμαίωι, ἠγαπημένωι ὑπὸ τοῦ Φθᾶ, θεῶι Ἐπιφανεῖ Εὐχαρίστωι, ὁμοί-ως δὲ καὶ τὰ τῶν γονέων αὐτοῦ θεῶν Φιλ< ο>πατόρων καὶ τὰ τῶν προγόνων θεῶν Εὐεργ[ετῶν καὶ τὰ] 38 τῶν θεῶν Ἀδελφῶν καὶ τὰ τῶν θεῶν σωτήρων ἐπαύξειν μεγάλως·
Glossing transliteration (with links to dictionary): agath-ē̂i túkh-ēi, é-do:x-en toîs hiereú-si tō̂n katà tḕn khṓr-an hier-ō̂n pánt-ōn, hup=árkh:ont-a t[ími-a pánt-a] tō̂i aiōno=bí-ōi basil-eî Ptolemaí-ōi, ē-gap-ēménōi hupò toû Phthâ, the-ō̂i epiphan-eî eukharíst-ōi, homoí-ōs kaì tō̂n goné-ōn autoû the-ō̂n philpatór-ōn kaì tō̂n progón-ōn the-ō̂n Euerg[et-ō̂n kaì tà] 38 tō̂n the-ō̂n Adelph-ō̂n kaì tō̂n the-ō̂n sōtḗr-ōn epaúx-ein megál-ōs·
Linguistic gloss: good-DAT.SG fortune-F.DAT.SG AOR-think:IND.AOR.ACT-3SG DEF.DAT.PL priest(M)-DAT.PL DEF.GEN.PL DIR.INFR DEF.F.ACC.SG land-F.ACC.SG temple(N)-GEN.PL all-GEN.PL DEF.N.ACC.PL INFR=begin:PTCP.PRS.ACT-ACC.PL.N honour(N)-ACC.PL all-ACC.PL DEF.DAT.SG eternal=life-DAT.SG king(M)-DAT.SG Ptolemy(M)-DAT.SG PRF-love-PTCP.M/P-DAT.SG INFR DEF.GEN.SG Ptah(M)[GEN.SG] god(M)-DAT.SG Epiphanes(M)-DAT.SG Eucharistos(M)-DAT.SG similar-ADV PTCL CONJ DEF.N.ACC.PL DEF.GEN.PL parent(M)-GEN.PL 3SG.GEN.SG god(M)-GEN.PL Philopato–GEN.PL CONJ DEF.N.ACC.PL DEF.GEN.PL ancestor(M)-GEN.PL god(M)-GEN.PL Euergetai-GEN.PL CONJ DEF.N.ACC.PL DEF.GEN.PL god(M)-GEN.PL Adelphoi(M)-GEN.PL CONJ DEF.N.ACC.PL DEF.GEN.PL god(M)-GEN.PL saviour(M)-GEN.PL increase-INF.PRS.ACT great-ADV
Word by word: good fortune was resolved the priests of the throughout the land temples all the existing honours all of the everliving King Ptolemy beloved of the Ptah god Epiphanes Eucharistos similarly and and the of the parents his gods who love their father and the of the ancestors gods Euergetai and the of the gods Adelphoi and the of the gods saviours to increase greatly

Translation (Quirke & Andrews 1988):
With good fortune it was resolved by the priests of all the temples throughout the land the existing [honours] (37) of the everliving king Ptolemy, beloved of Ptah, the god Epiphanes Eucharistos and likewise those of his parents the gods Philopatores and those of the ancestors the gods Euerg[etai and those] (38) of the gods Adelphoi and those of the gods Soteres, to increase greatly;

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